About W.I.N.G.S

W.I.N.G.S Fellowship Church is a Christian community dedicated to helping believers develop an authentic relationship with the Lord through fellowship and devotion that firmly roots them in Bible-based principles. Our church was founded on the belief that through faith, family, and finance, we can build a strong and united community that is firmly rooted in God’s word.

At W.I.N.G.S Fellowship Church, we believe that a strong and authentic relationship with God can transform lives and renew minds. We hope to provide an environment where you can deepen your faith, find a sense of belonging, and discover your purpose.

We can’t wait to connect with you and learn more about your spiritual journey.

Come and Soar with Us

Our Mission and Values

Helping believers develop an authentic relationship with the Lord through fellowship and devotion that will firmly root them in Bible-based principles.


We believe developing an ongoing relationship with our Creator is essential to our spiritual growth. We value individual and corporate fellowship with God through prayer, worship, and studying His Word. We also believe that building relationships with one another is important for our growth as a community of believers.


We value the importance of the family structure, both immediate and corporate. We believe that the family unit is a foundation of society, and we seek to strengthen and support families in our community. We also recognize that we are all part of God’s family and are committed to loving and caring for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.


We recognize that faith is an integral part of our relationship with God. We value the exercise of trust in God, regardless of our circumstances. We believe that our faith in God empowers us to overcome obstacles and achieve our God-given purpose.


We believe that God has entrusted us with resources, and we seek to be effective stewards of all that He has given us. We value financial responsibility, generosity, and integrity in our personal and corporate finances. We seek to use our resources to advance God’s Kingdom and bless those in need.

Our Pastor

Meet Pastor Jason Nicholas, the lead pastor of WINGS Fellowship Church. At the age of 8, he migrated to the United States from the island of Trinidad and Tobago. From a young age, Pastor Jason knew that God had a call on his life and began serving his local church’s outreach ministry. He was one of the founding members of WINGS Fellowship Church and humbly served as a van driver and media specialist. As his passion for ministry grew, he became the youth minister for WINGS Fellowship Church, where he served with dedication and excellence.

Under the tutelage of the founding pastor, John H. Chance, Pastor Jason transitioned into the role of an ordained minister. On April 2, 2016, he was ordained as the lead pastor of WINGS Fellowship Church. Since then, he has been instrumental in leading the church’s growth and community outreach programs.

Pastor Jason is a devoted husband to his wife, Maxine Nicholas, and together, they are the proud parents of four amazing children. As a family, they all work together to serve God’s people and make a positive impact in their community. Pastor Jason’s heart for ministry and his commitment to serving others make him a valuable leader in the WINGS Fellowship Church community.

Our Inspiration

We are a community of believers committed to sharing the love of God and meeting the needs of those around us. Our church’s foundation is rooted in the story of the feeding of the 5000, the only miracle recorded in all four Gospels. This miracle has inspired us to create a vision and mission that revolves around serving our community, both physically and spiritually.

In Luke 9:12-17, Jesus feeds 5000 men, not including women and children, with only five barley loaves and two fish. After spending all day with them, the disciples asked Jesus to dismiss the crowd, fearing that they would require food to eat. Jesus’ response was simple: “You Feed Them.” Despite their doubts, one young lad with five loaves and two fishes was willing to offer what little he had to Jesus. Jesus then blessed and broke the food, instructing his disciples to distribute it to the masses. The disciples, much like the representatives of our church body, had a responsibility to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people. In the end, 12 baskets of fragments were collected.


This story is a powerful reminder that the Word of God draws people to Him, and we, as representatives of the church, have a responsibility to meet the needs of the community. We often doubt our abilities to complete God’s tasks, but the young lad represents the younger generation that we often overlook, yet they have what is necessary to meet the masses’ needs. The command for the men to sit down shows the vital and important role that men play in the family and community. Men who are willing to submit to God’s authority and command. The blessing and breaking of the food emphasizes the importance of giving what little we have to God, being grateful, and trusting Him to do the impossible in every situation. The distribution by the disciples emphasizes our role as servants and our dependence on God to replenish us. The fragments represent the abundance that should be in God’s house after the peoples’ needs have been met.


What We Believe

  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, Lord, and the Savior of all humanity.
  • We believe in Jesus’s birth, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ will return to reclaim his church.
  • We believe the Bible is infallible.
  • We believe the Bible can transform people and renew minds.